Coaching a preschool gymnastics class can be exciting, fun, and sometimes, stressful! Here are my top 5 tips to keeping your energetic young gymnasts on task and excited to come to their gymnastics class!
Keep it moving!
Your younger gymnastics students will not always have a one track mind when it comes to staying on task. Rather than having separate stations and prompting the kids when it is time to switch, keep your stations moving! Set up your stations as a path to follow so they are constantly on the move! Check out some good spot market options below, all with free shipping included!

Curved Arrows Spot Set
This curved arrow floor spot market set can help kids or carts navigate obstacles or activities! Made of durable vinyl, each arrow is 10″L x 10″W with 1 each in red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Free Shipping!

Numbered Cone Set
This colorful set of 36 (6 in each color) numbered cones are great for active learning play and thinking on your feet! 6 set of 6 9″ tall cones in red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple and made of durable polyethylene. On each cone is a large legible number. Free Shipping!

Feelies! Feet Spot Set
This set of 12 durable and tactile feet placement markers can help teach proper form in many areas of the gym. Or play a big game of Twister along with Hand Feelies! Free Shipping!
Stay at their level.
Remember, these children are in their very first years of doing gymnastics. It is important to stay at their level and to not push them to do any skills that they are not physically ready to do.
Give them some independence.
While hands-on coaching is very important at such a young age, it is also very important to let them have some independence. Give your kids certain stations or time during their class to allow them to show you what skills they can do on their own! This helps with progression and building their confidence in gymnastics!

Be patient
Preschoolers are constantly trying to figure the world out and may ask you a lot of questions or say things about anything and everything not related to gymnastics. Be patient with them, sometimes they have some pretty funny things they NEED to tell you at gymnastics!
Make it fun!
Be exciting, be energetic, and, most importantly, be fun! Preschoolers respond well to fun and enthusiastic instructors who are very passionate in what they are doing. Also, attract the eyes of your young learners with fun colors and fun looking preschool gymnastics equipment! preschool gymnastics area!
Remember: Your preschoolers become your rec kids… which become your team kids… which become…?? Let’s get them started and keep them interested!